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CET Veterinary Toothpaste for Cats and Dogs (Animal: Dog Toothpaste (Poultry))

CET Veterinary Toothpaste for Cats and Dogs (Animal: Dog Toothpaste (Poultry))

Lavare i denti regolarmente rimuove la placca.

CET Veterinary Toothpaste for Cats and Dogs (Animal: Dog Toothpaste (Poultry))

Lavare i denti regolarmente riduce la formazione di calcoli.

CET Veterinary Toothpaste for Cats and Dogs (Animal: Dog Toothpaste (Poultry))

Lavare i denti regolarmente riduce il cattivo odore dell'alito.

CET Veterinary Toothpaste for Cats and Dogs (Animal: Dog Toothpaste (Poultry))

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CET Veterinary Toothpaste for Cats and Dogs (Animal: Dog Toothpaste (Poultry))

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